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Where Independent Opinions Meet Broad Understandings


Our method focuses on truly understanding the reasoning behind another individual's opinion.  With our help, professors can guide students toward a life long passion for learning and understanding.

At OACRA, we believe everyone has untapped potential for learning. 

By providing a platform where users can share their personal perceptions, we promote the skill of looking at situations from multiple angles. Users can build their repertoire of perceptual lenses as they gain experience in dialogue, learning to view the world under different lights and from various angles.

How We Work


While working with professors, we construct a planned schedule that will seamlessly integrate with their curriculum. Each of the sessions will be designed to run in parallel with on going classroom discussions.

​With the groups collective intelligence at the students' fingertips, active participation in our dialogues allow them to better understand classroom topics. Our dialogues also help teachers identify students who need more explanation understanding a topic.

Improved Learning

Our Thinking

We will provide a new way of learning and interacting outside of the classroom. Understanding the reasoning behind our disagreements is the first step to solving complex problems. 

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